School counselors play an important role in the everyday lives of students by helping to set them on the path toward educational and career success. Per New York State law, every school district and school is required to create a counseling plan focused on meeting the needs of every student.
NYCPS are committed to creating and supporting learning environments that reflect the diversity of New York City. We believe all students benefit from diverse and inclusive schools and classrooms. We strive to welcome and support all students, families, and school staff.
The four pillars for improving and building trust with our families:
We believe in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being (ASCA, 2014, Mindset 1).
In order to provide all students with equitable supports, New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) are committed to the development and implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program. The program is grounded in social/emotional development and is focused on fostering positive and supportive relationships with the goal of providing each of our students with academic supports, resiliency and coping skills, and access to resources in an environment where students know they belong. Our commitment is to provide students with the scaffolds they need for their academic, career and college readiness and social/emotional development while preparing them to be responsible members of society.
The NYCPS’s counseling program is grounded in American School Counselor Association (ASCA) national model where school counselors are provided with prevention, interventions, system supports and activities to meet the needs of all students. The counseling program is also grounded in NYCPS’s Supportive Environment Framework which recognizes the importance of acknowledging, responding to, and celebrating cultures and offering equitable access to education for a diverse group of students. It is aimed at offering a welcoming and affirming environment to students and their families coupled with individualized mental health supports and referrals; in an effort to provide students with appropriate intervention and staff with appropriate resources that lead to student success. NYCPS will support schools with ongoing professional development and resources on Supportive Environment Framework to ensure the safety and restorative approaches to behavior, develop collaborative and trusting relationships, promote equity and student voice, and cultivate equitable access for emotional, mental and physical wellness.
Lastly, our current global situation has also highlighted the importance for schools to create comprehensive counseling plans that attend to our students and families’ emotional wellness. Amidst the COVID-19 outbreak and social justice unrest, many of our students and families are struggling with racial trauma, losing loved ones, losing employment, and significant adjustments to their routines such as home confinement and school closures. All students will need consistent counseling support that include universal interventions for every student to help them process their experience, promote resilience to adversity and help our students and families cope from COVID-related and race-based stress and trauma. Comprehensive counseling plans and programs ensure that students experience safe, welcoming, and culturally responsive environments and ensure supports are consistently available to all students for each phase of the re-entry and recovery process.
We would like to acknowledge the writing committee who assisted in the preparation of this plan: Superintendent Team Student Services Managers, Office of Safety and Youth Development (OSYD), the United Federation of Teachers representatives, and Dr. Carol Dahir from New York Institute of Technology (NYIT). We would like to give special thanks for the suggestions and structural guidelines that were provided.
New York State has legislated the most comprehensive and innovative expectations that affect both K-12 school settings and institutions of higher education which initiates in July 2019. These amendments to Commissioner’s Regulations related to school counseling were adopted by the Board of Regents effective, July 1, 2017. The amended regulations impact the comprehensive developmental school counseling program beginning with the 2019-2020 school year and are available at NYSED school counseling web page.
In June 2018, the New York State Education Department released a guidance document that is intended to provide additional direction for school districts as they implement the amended regulations. The introduction to the Guidance Programs and Comprehensive Developmental School Counseling/Guidance Programs Commissioner’s Regulation §100.2(j) states the following:
The New York State Education Department (“The Department”) amended the school counseling regulations in an effort to help increase opportunities for all students to be successful. It is important for students to have access to a certified or licensed school counselor in the early years to help inspire young students to strive for success and consider college and career opportunities. Access does not necessarily mean that every school must hire a full-time counselor; but requirements such as core curriculum instruction do require that the time of a certified school counselor be included in the counseling program. Every school district will need to make personnel decisions based on student needs and current staffing configurations. It is important to emphasize the positive effects that school social workers, school psychologists, school counselors, school nurses, health educators, teachers, and parents have on student success when they collaborate and work as a team, offering their respective professional expertise to support the “whole child” (NYSED, Jun 3, 2018).
Below summarizes the amendments to Part 100.2(j) of the Commissioner’s Counseling Regulations, as per the New York State Education Department, to take effect commencing with the 2019-2020 school year*.
School Counseling Advisory Council:
In accordance to NYCPS’s school support structure, each Executive Superintendent shall establish a School Counseling Advisory Council at the district level. The school counseling advisory council is a representative group of stakeholders that reviews and advises the implementation of the school counseling program. The council is to be comprised of representative stakeholders (such as parents, school building and/or district leaders, community-based service providers, teachers, certified school counselors, and other pupil personnel service providers in the district, including school social workers and/or school psychologists).
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) and its state chapter, the New York State School Counselor Association (NYSSCA) have published models of professional practice shifting attention away from the school counselor’s role to the impact school counselors have on issues including student achievement, school safety, and the academic mission of the school. The National Model for School Counseling Programs (ASCA, 2019) describes how school counselors can measure their impact on these areas. The New York State Model for Comprehensive K-12 School Counseling Programs (NYSSCA, 2005) further describes the school counselor’s work to New York State Educational Standards, at that time and to the ASCA National Model (2005).
The ASCA model provides an organizational framework for the systematic development, implementation, and evaluation of school counseling programs. It helps to demonstrate “ how students are different as a result of the school counseling programs.” The process for delivery of the ASCA National Standards is accomplished by utilizing each of the four components of the model. The four main components: define, deliver, manage, and assess.
School counselors create comprehensive school counseling programs that focus on student learner outcomes, based on national standards and data driven decisions. The mission and vision statements guide the development of an effective comprehensive school counseling program while the national standards and student competencies guide and support student development in the academic, college and career, and social/emotional domains. The foundation provides and serves as the solid ground on which the rest of the program is built. The foundation is considered “the what” of the program which defines the student knowledge, attitudes, and skills that are learned because of the school counseling program” (ASCA, 2019).
Deliver describes how school counselors deliver a balanced and effective program. The scope of the program may differ across from the elementary level to middle school through high school as it is adjusted to meet students’ developmental needs. NYCPS school counselors aim to deliver a program that is balanced and focused on academic and social/emotional development and career and college readiness.
K-12 NYCPS Counseling Curriculum Scope and Sequence
School counselors provide prevention and interventions supports and activities to meet the needs of students. This is accomplished through:
School counselors participate in many school-based programs and activities as members of the school. This is accomplished through:
Using Supportive Environment Framework and Multi-Tiered System of Supports to Meet all Students' Needs
A growing body of empirical research shows that a sustainable, positive school climate fosters youth development and academic achievement, as well as the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for students to be responsible and productive members of society (National School Climate Council, 2007). NYCPS’s Supportive Environment Framework (SEF) describes the elements of making a school environment truly “supportive.” Anchored in evidence-based research about effective best practices for school climate, social/emotional learning, and culturally responsive education (CRE), this Framework will support schools and district stakeholders in understanding all aspects that contribute to a Supportive Environment, key structures that support those indicators, and expected outcomes for implementation.
Supportive Environment, like all components of the NYCPS’s Framework for Great Schools, represents content that is best organized and executed through a larger Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). In other words, the content of the Framework represents what schools with Supportive Environments do, with an MTSS framework outlining how they do it. As it relates to content of the Supportive Environment Framework, that means that schools are implementing high quality, evidence based universal, targeted, and intensive interventions for each dimension with fidelity and using integrated data and assessment systems to inform decisions at each tier. New York State Education Department (NYSED) indicates that “Using Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) such as Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) enables schools to proactively provide universal interventions for all students, and to customize interventions that address academic and behavioral challenges for at-risk students (secondary interventions) and high need students (tertiary interventions). It is an important means of addressing equity and most importantly, ensures that all young people are provided with the kinds of supports they need to thrive.
Counseling Services are delivered at the three different tier levels:
Differentiating Counseling Delivery Means
School counseling curriculum, individualized progress review grades 6-12
Group counseling (mandated and non-mandated for students with disabilities), specialized group activities
Individual counseling ( mandated and non-mandated for students with disabilities), referrals to mental health counseling supports
For more information, read page 8 of NYSED’s Social Emotional Learning, and refer to NYCPS’s Supportive Environment Framework (SEF) resources on WeTeach.
Effective programs require strong organization and effective management. The management system, incorporates organizational processes and tools to ensure that the NYCPS school counseling program is organized, concrete, clearly delineated, and reflective of the school’s needs (ASCA, 2019)
Program implementation: School counselors in collaboration with the building principal determine how students will be assigned to counselors to ensure that each K-12 student has access to the comprehensive school counseling program. In addition, counselors will allocate time to:
During the school year, school counselors should monitor their time and determine the percentage of time spent in each component of the school counseling program.
Use of Time: NYCPS school counselors recognize the value of delivery of services to students. It is recommended that school counselors spend the majority of their time in direct services to students and remaining time in indirect services to students (ASCA, 2019, page 63).
Use of Calendars: NYCPS school counseling weekly and annual calendars reflect the school’s mission and the vision of a comprehensive school counseling program activities are on a calendar that is available in each school building. (ASCA, 2019, page 68).
Use of Data: A comprehensive school counseling program is data driven. School counselors must show that each activity implemented is an integral part of the program, is aligned with the ASCA Mindset and Behavior Standards, and was developed from analysis of the students’ needs, achievements, and/or related data. To do this, school counselors need to evaluate outcome data. (ASCA, pages 32-33; NYSED, 2018, pages 9 and 11).
At each level (elementary, middle, and high school), school counselors will review and discuss data driven needs for the student population. This may include review of graduation rates, attendance, behavioral incidents, and standardized test scores. For every standard/competency and result, there must be a plan how this will be achieved. Action plans should include competencies addressed, description of activity, timeline in which the activity will be completed, who is responsible for delivery, means of evaluating student success, expected results. The school counselors will decide on a plan of action to meet student needs. School counselors, building principals, and the Executive Superintendents will collaborate to determine how the comprehensive school counseling is made available to all general education and special education students.
Program Mapping: The school counselors annually participate in a program mapping to identify Tier 1, 2 and 3 activities, review indirect and non-counseling activities and identify program gaps that need to be addressed around academic and social/emotional development and college and career readiness (Appendix 7, 8. (NYSED, 2018, page 20)
School Counseling Curriculum Scope and Sequence: The NYCPS’s scope and sequence for the K-12 curriculum is based upon the ASCA Mindsets and Behavior Standards used by the school counselors for program delivery in 2020-2021 (NYSED, 2018, page 8).
Assessing the program provides evidence of program accomplishments or student gains as a result of intentional efforts by the school counselors by using data to identify program outcomes and effectiveness. School counselor program assessment answers the question “what is the result of these efforts”? Through the delivery of a comprehensive school counseling program, NYCPS school counselors assist students in identifying strengths and assessing weaknesses and help them utilize this information with career and college readiness planning. Most importantly, the program intends to support basic needs including safety, security, and feelings of belongingness, which allows students to be engaged in learning. The NYCPS comprehensive school counseling plan is an integral part of K-12 student development. The school counselors annually evaluate the impact of the program’s effectiveness through data analysis, program results, and program outcomes.
Data Analysis: School counselors collect, analyze, and report data to ensure that decisions about student instruction and learning, student social/emotional needs, and college and career readiness are driven by school based data for every subgroup (ASCA, 2019, pages 32-54; NYSED, 2018, page 6).
Program Outcomes Report: The program outcomes report focuses on the district and building goals which are addressed by the comprehensive developmental school counseling/guidance program and includes academic and social/emotional development, as well as college and career readiness. Program activities and resulting outcomes can target school data including school climate, graduation rates, chronic absenteeism, attendance improvement, academic success, behavioral and/or adjustment services program data as well as other specific district, building or program goals. This report helps the district determine how well the program is able to address student needs and identify resources, program development, and professional development (ASCA, 2019m pages 88-89; NYSED, 2018, pages 14 and 21). The Executive Superintendent School Counseling Advisory Council will review the programs to identify trends and areas of success and areas in need of improvement (Appendix 10).
School Counseling Advisory Council Membership: The School Counseling Advisory Council is a representative group of stakeholders that reviews and advises the Superintendent on the implementation of the district’s school counseling plan. Members provide feedback on student outcome goals, reviews program results, and makes recommendations about school counseling program. Lastly, the Superintendent’s School Counseling Advisory council shall create and submit an annual program report to the NYCPS’s School Chancellor (see Appendix 9).
School Counseling Advisory Council Membership will be comprised:
The role of the school counselor has changed drastically over the past thirty years; the responsibilities and tasks assigned have expanded exponentially to meet the needs of our diverse student population. School counselors are not only expected to assist with programming and career counseling needs, but are also expected to assist students with facilitating social/emotional growth, developing healthy self-concepts, maximizing academic potential, and engaging in career exploration and development. School counselors also participate in various meetings, keep current with educational practices and changes, and collaborate with staff and faculty, and network with stakeholders in the counseling field. (See Benefits of Comprehensive School Counseling Appendix 4).
The NYCPS comprehensive counseling program will ensure that every student, K-12 is presented with every opportunity to prepare for college, careers and beyond. Through the counseling program all schools will implement culturally responsive and inclusive counseling scope and sequence and assessment. School will be supported with ongoing professional learning to build capacity to ensure safety and restorative approaches to behavior, develop collaborative and trusting relationships, promote equity and student voice, and cultivate equitable access for physical and mental wellness.
All K-12 students enrolled in a NYCPS will have equitable access to a certified school counselor. The school counselor is an integral part of student success in NYC Public Schools. The school counselor’s role includes, but is not limited to the use of individual and group counseling, collaborative work with teachers to deliver targeted academic interventions and social emotional learning in the classroom, identification and understanding of the needs of vulnerable populations in order to overcome both personal and systemic barriers, and to provide professional development for the school community to address the unique needs and promote overall success of all students.
The school counseling program in NYCPS is committed to providing every K-12 student with a comprehensive school counseling program that delivers academic, social/emotional and college and career development.
The elementary years are the time when students begin to develop their sense of self and belonging in their school environment. These are vital, formative years as students are developing a variety of skills that include decision-making, communication and life skills, as well as character values. It is also a time when students shape and acquire attitudes toward school, academic learning, self, peers, social groups and family. The elementary counseling program aims to develop character values, decision-making skills, and communication skills. School counselors work with children to support them as they integrate into the school community.
The elementary K-5 school counselor delivers a comprehensive, developmental, and systematic program of services based on ASCA’s Mindset and Behavior standards. The program sets the foundation for developing the knowledge, attitude and skills in academic, career and social/emotional development necessary for children to become healthy, competent, and confident learners. All students have access to the school counselor through ongoing classroom lessons and activities, and our / Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) program which include Response to Intervention and Positive Behavior intervention Supports.
The Elementary School Counselor:
Each student is assigned a certified school counselor who provides social/emotional development, academic support, and career and college awareness throughout the middle school experience. The school counselors fill multiple roles for parents, students and staff, as sources of information, resolvers of conflicts, integral team members and as the primary point of contact between home and school. The school counselors exemplify the school's commitment to maintaining a vital and human connection between adults and young adolescents. They guide, counsel, redirect and set limits for behavior, while helping students to channel their energies in productive and positive directions.
The school counselors understand that each year of middle school is unique and that the changes from sixth to seventh to eighth grade are profound and must guide the nature of adult interactions with students. They meet with students on an ongoing basis, individually, in small groups, though classroom visits, and the Individual Progress Review. Relevant topics such as transitioning to middle school, scheduling, stress management, digital citizenship and appropriate technology use, bullying, career planning and interest exploration, mindfulness and wellness as well as planning for high school are important components of the program. School counselors strive to help our students accept and embrace their individuality, while learning how to communicate and plan effectively for their future educational and post- secondary success.
High school provides support for the transition into adulthood, postsecondary opportunities and education and/or the world of work as students begin exploring and defining their independence. The comprehensive high school counseling program supports individualized student needs and personal goals. The program provides the knowledge and skills that students need as the foundation for future success through equitable access to academic and social/emotional development, prevention and intervention activities, and college and career readiness.
High school counselors are educators uniquely trained in child and adolescent development, learning strategies, self-management and social skills who understand and promote student success. Through the high school comprehensive school counseling program, all NYCPS high school students will achieve optimal personal growth, acquire positive social skills and values, establish informed college and career goals and realize their full academic potential to become productive citizens.
In an endeavor to have a unified and cohesive counseling vision for NYCPS students, Office of Safety and Youth Development (OSYD) and Superintendent Team Student Services Managers developed a K-12 Scope and Sequence for the Core Counseling Curriculum. Using the ASCA Mindset and behaviors and grade level goals as a framework, NYCPS has vetted several existing national, state and citywide curriculum with sample activities, lessons and resources designed to assist students in achieving the desired competencies and goals below.
This curriculum should be infused throughout the school’s overall curriculum and is presented systematically through K-12 classrooms as well as individual student planning and group activities. Comprehensive prevention programs that focus on areas such as bullying, mental health awareness and suicide prevention and child protection is also important to the school community. To emphasize these school-wide programs, the counseling curriculum should not be solely delivered by certified school counselor(s).
Lastly, the K-12 Scope & Sequence is intended to support counseling curriculum lessons - it is not meant to be prescriptive, but rather a resource that is dynamic, and builds on current curriculum and practice that exist in NYCPS schools. This scope and sequence will be reviewed annually to revise and include additional resources and standards as part of the comprehensive school counseling program. The goal is for each school’s counseling program to meet the needs of their students within their building system and structure.
The ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success: K-12 College and Career-Readiness Standards for Every Student describe the knowledge, skills and attitudes students need to achieve academic success, college and career readiness and social/emotional development. These standards were developed as a result of a survey of research and best practices in student achievement from a wide array of educational standards and efforts educational standards and efforts and are the next generation of the ASCA National Standards for School Counseling Programs which were first published in 1997.
The following ASCA Mindset and Behavior Standards were adapted and selected by NYCPS’s Office of Safety and Youth Development (OSYD) and Superintendent Team Student Services Managers as the priorities for the comprehensive school counseling program delivery. These will be reviewed annually to revise or include additional standards as part of the comprehensive school counseling program. Full list of ASCA’s mindset and behaviors can be found on the ASCA website.
School counselors encourage the following mindset for all students: Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being
Students will demonstrate the following standards through classroom lessons, activities and/or individual/small-group counseling.
All students in grades 6-12 will complete the required Individual Progress Review with their school counselor annually.
Public school districts shall:
In grades K-6, the program shall be designed in coordination with the teaching staff to:
In grades K-5, the program shall be designed by certified school counselor(s) in coordination with teaching staff and any appropriate pupil personnel service providers to:
In grades 7-12, the guidance program shall include:
Each school district shall develop a district plan which sets forth the manner in which the district shall comply with the requirements. Such plan shall be filed in the district offices and shall be available for review by any individual.
The plan shall present:
The plan shall be reviewed annually by the school districts, and revisions shall be made as necessary.
Each school district shall develop district-wide and building-level comprehensive developmental school counseling/guidance plans. Plans shall be:
Plans shall include:
1978–2017 | 2017–Present |
Each nonpublic secondary school shall provide a guidance and counseling program for students in grades 7-12. | Each nonpublic secondary school shall provide a guidance and counseling program for students in grades 7-12. |
The NYCPS school counselor will reference the ASCA School Counselor Professional Standards and Competencies (2019) as a resource of the knowledge, abilities, skills and attitudes necessary to plan, organize, implement, and evaluate their comprehensive, developmental, results-based school counseling programs.
The ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success: K-12 College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Every Student describe the knowledge, skills and attitudes students need to achieve academic success, college and career readiness and social/emotional development.
Research suggests that student learning benchmarks (or standards) may increase the likelihood that students will receive better instruction in social/emotional learning (SEL), experience improved school connectedness, and become better learners (Osher & Kendziora, 2008 and Jones & Bouffard, 2012).
To enable students to take full advantage of educational opportunities throughout their school experience in grades K-12 and, equally important, to prepare them for college and/or career, the School Climate and Student Engagement Workgroup of the New York State Safe Schools Task Force have identified the following goals to guide SEL benchmarks for New York State schools:
For more information, refer to SEL Benchmarks and guidance and resources on NYSED website.
The Learning Standards for Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) include key ideas, performance indicators describing expectations for students, and sample tasks suggesting evidence of progress toward the standards.
The Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Resource Guide with Core Curriculum is a companion document to the CDOS learning standards. It further develops the core content for each learning standard and career major. The document is also rich with teacher developed classroom activities that help students achieve the CDOS standards.
Comprehensive developmental school counseling programs positively impact students, parents/guardians, teachers, administrators, boards of education, and other student services personnel, school counselors, business, and industry. The benefits to each of these groups include the following:
Adapted from the ASCA National Model (2005); New York State Comprehensive School Counseling Program “A Guide to K-12 Interpretation of Comprehensive, Developmental School Counseling Programs 2005.” The New York State School Counselor Association); Phi Delta Kappan 99 (7), 35-39.
For additional research and resources on school counselor effectiveness visit the ASCA website.
The NYCPS Comprehensive School Counseling program is developed in accordance and consultation with the following: